‘Neengalum Vellalam Oru Kodi’ is the Tamil version of the popular ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati’ show that questions players on general topics, in order to make it through and win prize money worth Rs.1 crore. Now it is heard that another leading channel is planning to rope in Chiyaan Vikram for another game show on similar lines. Furthermore, there are also plans to air Vikram’s game show in and around the same time of Surya’s ‘Neengalum Vellalam Oru Kodi’. Vikram, who has this year full of releases, is presently engaged with his Thaadavam shoots. Recently, he had the rare opportunity to shoot an important sequence for the film at the holy Jama Masjid, in Delhi. Apart from Thaandavam, the actor also has Karikalan that has caught up in a tussle between the producers, ready to resume anytime, and then there is the Bollywood project David.
If Vikram does take out time to make his small screen entry, fans can totally look forward to some variety entertainment from the Pithamagan duo!!!
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